Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Nose Cells Help Dogs Walk Again

Researchers at Cambridge University in England have made a discovery that allows previously paralyzed dogs to walk again.

They took 34 dogs with paralyzed hind legs and injected cells into their spines. The cells were from the dog's nose! The findings so far reveal that the injection of nose cells improves the dog's ability to walk again. The cells don't improve communication between the brain and legs but those particular cells regenerate more than any other cells in a dog's nervous systems.

The dogs don't walk as if they weren't injured but the cell therapy does improve walking ability and coordination.

Very interesting study.

More details at ABC News.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Pets Ready for Adoption!

Unfortunately, one of the effects of Hurricane Sandy was to force pet owners to give up their beloved pets. People lost homes and most shelters will not allow pets. Most will face euthanization if an adoption doesn't happen soon.

San Diego's premier shelter for homeless pets located in Rancho Santa Fe, The Helen Woodward Animal Center, received 60 of the homeless New York and New Jersey pets on Friday November 17th.

Spokeswoman Jessica Gercke said the pets will be checked out and vaccinated before allowing them to be adopted. Many of the pets, mostly dogs, are small in stature and should be adoptable.

A Southwest Airlines pilot and crew devoted their time to transport the pets.

Interested in adopting one of these pets?

Check out the Helen Woodward Animal Center online. The front page features a cute dog that was flown in to be adopted.

Visit:  Helen Woodward Animal Center.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Brooklyn Man Who Stayed with His Dog Found Dead

Brooklyn resident "Ritchie Krins" went to seek shelter from hurricane Sandy but was turned away because his dog wouldn't stop barking. The 67 year old baker lived alone with his dog and went back home with the dog when they couldn't find a place for shelter.

A neighbor banged on Krin's door a few hours before the storm hit and told him to leave but he answered he was alright. Krins was a bachelor and the dog was his only companion so he didn't want to abandon his dog.

Unfortunately, they found Krin's body laying face down in six feet of filthy water in his home that has been smashed and demolished by the storm. The dog was still alive and barking at rescuers. They theorized that the dog was able to swim to safety.

This was another example of just how strong the connection is between owners and their pets. This man would probably still be alive if he had left his dog to fend for itself at his home or even gotten out of the area with his dog when the storm had been announced days before.

More details at New York Daily News.

Sunday, November 04, 2012

World's Tallest Dog Named Zeus

A Great Dane called "Zeus" is the largest dog in the world insists the Guinness Book of Records. The 3 yr. old is 44 inches tall but when he stands on his back legs he is 7 ft. 4 inches tall and weighs 155 pounds.

The owner who lives in Michigan said the only downside to owning this dog is the higher costs for everything, food, transporting him, medicines, etc.

Here's the link and photo of world's tallest dog Zeus