Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Morris Animal Foundation Launches $30 Million Campaign to Cure Canine Cancer!

It's a sad fact that 1 in 4 dogs will get cancer and die from it. Mine did. The medical costs are just as high when treating dogs with cancer as humans in some cases. Some owners spend literallly tens of thousands of dollars on treatment whether traditiona or holistic with no guarantee of a cure. Some owners are just happy to get a few more months with their beloved dogs so they're willing to incur the hight cost.

Studies show that cancer kills half the dogs in America (45 million) over the age of 10. But, studies also show that cancer feeds on carbs! Keep uncecessary carbs away from your pets. Carbs can be found in cheap dry kibble type food. Better to feed them holistically or at least spend a little extra and feed them good meat and vegetables as uncooked as possible.

From the Chicago Tribune article : "Morris Animal Foundation, the world's largest non-profit organization, devoted to funding animal-health research, has launched a $30 million campaign to cure the disease within 20 years."

Let's help them wipe out dog cancer by feeding a better quality food to your dog, give them good quality water, and take them out for walks whenever possible! You've got a lot of time, money, and emotional energy invested in your pets-treat them well and they'll be alive and healthy as long as possible.

Chicago Tribune Article on Canine Cancer Here!

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