Saturday, July 10, 2010

Tips for Hiking With Your Dog

Hiking With Canines
By Doug Pierce

Spend this summer outdoors with your pup. Whether you explore the local trails near your home or roam national parks, you will benefit from the change of scenery, fresh air and sunshine while your hiking buddy gets plenty of exercise and bonding time with you that will keep her tail wagging long after the sun goes down.

Before setting off on an epic hike, check with your vet that your furry friend is ready. Start by going on short brisk walks around your home at different times of the day to acclimate her.

Once in the forest hiking, be sure to check in with your pup especially if the day turns warm and humid. Make frequent rest stops under the shade of a tree as you offer water and a small treat. If you see she is excessively panting that means to stop until the panting has subsided.

Carry with you your vet's contact info. If you're traveling away from home, consider locating an emergency vet hospital near the trail.

Depending on the duration of your hike, examine your dog's paws to clear away any debris that may have stuck to her pads. Before the sun disappears for the day, carefully check your dog's coat for ticks. Though it may be a long process depending on how think her fur is, it's important to remove ticks immediately. Your vet can recommend flea & tick applications depending on where you'll be hiking.

Common sense applies to dogs too. Consider increasing your dog's feeding portions based on how strenuous the hike is. Avoid hiking between 11 am - 3 pm when the sun's rays are the strongest. Use this time to relax at the campground, run errands at indoor []dog-friendly malls, or simple give your buddy a much-needed massage.

At the end of the day, a tired dog is a happy dog and if you follow these guidelines, both of you will return with many memories and ready to sleep soundly.

Doug Pierce makes every effort to explore this country's great National Parks with his dog who happily thinks of places like Yosemite as one giant []dog park.

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