Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tips to Stop Puppies from Wetting Their Crate

 *** Editors: Some people don't believe in crating pups or older dogs. Some do believe it's the most effective way to train dogs. This info is for those who use the crate method.

The Secret To Stop Puppies From Peeing In Their Crate
By Lynda Du Cros

Do you want to know the secret to stop your puppy from peeing in his crate? Actually, there's no secret at all. There are basic common sense guidelines you need to follow that will ensure your puppy never pees in his crate again. If you follow these tips, you'll have a happy puppy who never pees in his crate!

Overlooking The Obvious

When it comes to crate training, you may very well be overlooking some very basic things that are preventing you from getting your puppy to stop peeing in crate. Let's take a look at some of the most common reasons your dog is using his crate as his potty:

1) Inconsistent feeding schedule

2) The owner is unaware of the signs the puppy displays when he needs to go potty

3) Separation anxiety

4) Prolonged crate stay

Aside from a consistent feeding schedule, there are definite times when your puppy will have to go potty:

1) After Sleeping

2) Play fighting

3) After a full meal

4) Right before bed time

5) In the middle of the night

Effective Methods To Prevent Peeing in Crate

In order to prevent peeing in crate, buy a crate that's just the right size for your puppy. If the crate is too big, your puppy will use his crate to eat, sleep and poop in it - which totally defeats the purpose of crate training.

The crate should barely allow your puppy to stand and stretch in it. Puppies never poop where they eat or sleep. If your puppy sees that he doesn't have enough space in his crate, he will alert you by barking that he has to go potty. He'll think long and hard before peeing in his crate.

Feed Him On A Consistent Schedule

A regular feeding schedule gives you power over when your dog goes to the bathroom. Puppies, unlike adult dogs, have weak bladders, which gives them less control over when they go potty.

After around 5 minutes from their last meal, puppies tend to have to go potty.

Stop Giving Him Extra Treats

There's no such thing as something for nothing. It will be challenging enough to keep your puppy from peeing in his crate. But if you give him treats frequently, it will make your task impossible. Treats should only be given to your dog as a reward for good behavior.

Don't Leave Your Puppy In His Crate Longer Than 2 Hours

A crate is not a means for the owner to have freedom. While the purpose of the crate is to keep the puppy from hurting himself, it's not a place to keep your puppy indefinitely. Let your puppy out of his crate every 2 hours or so. Leaving your puppy in his crate longer than that will cause him to pee in his crate.

Do you need a comprehensive puppy training schedule to get you started? Visit my Squidoo lens called Stop Puppy Peeing In Crate.

If you want to learn how to house train your dog, I highly recommend The Ultimate House Training Guide.

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