Thursday, November 03, 2011

Daniel the Miracle Dog

Eighteen dogs were euthanized in a Florence Alabama animal shelter on October 3rd 2011. The animal control officer opened up the door to the gas chamber and found a Beagle wagging his tail and waiting for attention.  For some reason the Beagle was able to escape the effects of the deadly gas while the other 17 dogs had not.

Word of the "miracle dog" got around quickly and now the dog who refused to die is a celebrity of sorts. He was immediately fostered temporarily by Karen Rudolph of West Tennessee who runs a Schnauzer rescue with her husband Michael.

Rudolph has nicknamed the wonder-dog "Daniel" from the Daniel in the Bible who walked out of the lion's den. She had him checked by a vet and he's not sick so the theory is he didn't breathe in the gas as the other dogs did. His immune system is a little bit compromised but otherwise the 20 pounder has been given a clean bill of health.

Another rescue group from Rockaway New Jersey named "Eleventh Hour Rescue" flew Daniel up to Rockaway and foster parent Jill Pavlik and her husband are taking good care of him until a good home can be found. Daniel fits right in with their other dogs and has a sweet fun-loving personality.

She says in the video below she's going to be very careful who she lets adopt him. Over two hundred people have sent emails wanting to adopt Daniel.

Here's a glimpse of Daniel the Miracle Beagle:

 More details about Daniel at ABC News.

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