Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Stray Dogs Learn to Drive.......

People who run New Zealand's SPCA have a unique way to attract attention to dogs who need homes and families, they've taught the dogs to drive a Mini Cooper!

In this video you can see the dog "Porter" is driving the car but in reality is obeying the commands he's receiving from his trainer on how to move the wheel right or left. It's not like they suddenly hopped in the car to visit their local pet shop for treats. She's teaching them to push the controls and the bright canines respond well to her prompts. Fun to see the dog turning the steering wheel right to make the turn on the track.

These stray dogs are quick to respond to her training and are showing how bright they are. Hopefully locals will get over to their facility and adopt all these fun intelligent dogs and give then good homes.

More at Digital Trends.

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