Saturday, June 21, 2008

How To Deal With Dog Related Scorched Lawn Spots

If you have a female dog and a lawn you're all too familiar with those nasty yellow spots on the grass. They can make your lawn look scorched and damaged. The reason for these spots is that female dogs have nitrogen in their urine. If the grass is not in particularly good shape the extra nitrogen can give the grass that burnt burnt look.

I've had these spots and the best way to deal with it is to get out the hose and wash down the location where the dog just urinated. Some dogs tend to go in certain spots so you can concentrate your efforts there. When you wash it (nitrogen) away your grass will have a better chance of recovering. An already too dry or damaged lawn will be especially vulnerable to this happening.

Another angle you might try is to try and get your female dog to urinate in certain areas that you can control.

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