Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Alternatives to Dog Insurance

Top 5 Alternatives to Dog Insurance
By Sasha Rae

Any pet owner that has ever considered buying pet health insurance knows that dog insurance can be expensive. Premiums can vary widely based on the health of your pet and the level of coverage you choose, but even the cheapest monthly premium is going to add up over the life of your pet. Many pet owners feel that most pet health insurance policies do not offer adequate coverage for their needs and just adds unnecessary expense to the cost of having a pet. So how can you make sure your dog is cared for without buying an insurance policy? Here are the top 5 alternatives to dog insurance:

1. Pet Savings Account
Open a separate savings account at your bank, and use this fund to pay for your dog's expenses. The biggest benefit of having a pet emergency fund is in being able to use the fund for anything your dog may need. From vaccinations and vet bills to accessories and toys, one could consider a pet savings account to be the only true "full-coverage" dog insurance.

2. Holistic Pet Care

An increasing number of veterinarians are now recommending holistic care for dogs as an alternative to pet health insurance. Holistic pet care uses a variety of herbal supplements and a natural pet diet to help prevent disease and treat illness. Using a holistic approach to pet care can eliminate the need for dog insurance and help your pet live a longer, healthier life.

3. Discount Pet Programs

There are several companies that offer discount programs that can give you a 10%-30% savings on vet services, boarding, grooming, and other pet needs. These programs are generally available for all pets, regardless of age or health status, and there are no restrictions on coverage. These programs cost on average about $100 per year, which makes discount pet programs cheaper than most pet health insurance, but you have to use a participating provider to enjoy the discounts.

4. Prepaid Veterinary Services

A large number of veterinarians and animal hospitals offer prepaid services packages to their regular clients. You can arrange a prepaid custom medical care package that is suited to your pet, including check-ups, vaccinations, dental care, and other vet services. This is a lot like the pet savings account in that you have control over the services that are covered in the plan.

5. Pet Care Credit
Several companies today offer lines of credit to cover emergency vet expenses. While this can be a true lifesaver in a real emergency, you'll want to read the fine print carefully before signing up. Watch for high interest rates and hidden fees, and make sure that you can afford the payments on the credit line. Some pet owners will also keep a dedicated credit card for emergency expenses, which could offer lower interest rates than many of the pet care credit companies.

Although these pet health insurance alternatives can be used independently, you can combine them to get even greater health benefits for your dog. For example, you can use a holistic approach to keep your pet healthy, and still open a pet savings account as a cushion for any unexpected emergencies. No matter which alternatives to dog insurance you choose, you'll sleep much better at night knowing that you're prepared to handle anything your pet may need.

Visit for Dog Training and Dog Care articles. I highly recommend this fun and interesting post on http://www.halleballedog.com/real-thoughts-on-top-dog-insurance/for info on Top Dog Insurance!

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