Monday, October 18, 2010

Types of Dog Collars...

* Editor: We're a big fan of harnesses here. Collars around the neck of an out of control dog can hurt the dogs throat.

Types of Dog Collars: How to Choose
By William M Springer

For the most part, dog collars are pretty simple. Grab one at the store, wrap it around the dog's neck, and call it good! As it happens, though, there are actually several distinct types of dog collars, made for various purposes. Let's have a look at how each one is used.

Most dogs wear the traditional collar: a nylon or leather strap around the neck. This suffices for most purposes.

Less convenient, but better for the dog's health, is a harness; this holds the dog's entire upper body rather than his neck. As a result, it avoids putting pressure on his throat and trachea when he pulls on the leash, and avoids hurting his back if he jerks suddenly. It can also make the dog much easier to keep a hold of!

Unlike the other types, a dog halter is not meant to be worn at all times, but is only used when the dog is being walked. It includes a band around the dog's nose that redirects his force; if he tries to pull on the leash it pulls his head to the side, annoying but not hurting him. This makes it easy for even a small person to control a large dog. Naturally, the dog should wear one of the other types of collars when he is not being walked.

Of course, once you've decided on the type of dog collar you want, there are a huge number of choices so far as color and style; it should be easy enough to find one that fits your needs and personality.

For more information about dog collars and related topics such as dog kennels, be sure to check out, your site for all things dog-related.

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