Monday, June 13, 2011

Beware Foxtails and Groom Your Dog!

Here's an article listing the benefits of keeping your poochie well groomed. Not only is your dog better looking after you groom them or even take them to a groomer, but the dog is without a doubt happier.

Dogs with long hair must be combed out everyday. If you don't comb out the long hair it invariable tangles and you have to spend more time untangling the knots. If the tangle or knot grows it gets more twisted and thick causing the knot to pull up against the dog's skin. That pulling sensation is irritating and even painful to a dog. You'll often see a dog licking it's coat/hair where it's hair is knotted or tangled and that's because that area hurts the dog.

Our dog just got her nails cut. Make sure you take your dog to the groomer regularly for a nail-cutting. Overgrown nails start to curl under causing the dog's paw to twist unnaturally which can result in hurting the paw. Make sure you know where the quick is on the nail. If you cut too much of the nail you'll cut the quick and cause bleeding.  If your dog has dew claws make sure they're cut back also.

Best not to let water get into your dog's ear, the bacteria in water can cause an infection.

California is infamous for it's "Foxtails" which are tall thin weeds with very pointed ends. These pointy ends invariably end up in a dog's paw, legs, back and even ears during a walk. Always check those areas on your dog when coming back from a walk. Our dog has suffered from ear infections ever since a small point of a Foxtail got stuck in her eardrum. Paw infections are also common. Foxtails are as nasty an enemy as your dog can have in California-always check your dog for them!

Here's the article on grooming your dog at The Seattle Times.

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