Saturday, March 25, 2006

San Francisco Puppy Has "Dog Flu"

A puppy located in San Francisco has been diagnosed with "Dog Flu" by a lab in U.C. Davis. Why is that concerning? Because "Dog Flu" is contagious and dogs who have contracted have died. It's certainly nothing to panic about but common sense should come into play when and if you see your dog showing signs of an upper respiratory infection. This infection can manifest itself as a runny nose (nasal discharge) or persistant cough.

Dogs who share toys or dishes with other dogs are at risk of contracting this disease. And I'd be careful about taking your dog to dog related gatherings such as "dog parks" and the like. I know a lot of people love to take their dogs to these places but to be on the safe side, maybe this activity can be skipped till this disease passes, assuming it will.

Even though there's no vaccine for this condition, the good news is that dogs who have gotten this disease have recovered so it's not automatically fatal. Just use good judgement and keep an eye on your dog especially if it's a highly social dog and always around other canines.

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